Low Cost Therapy

Atlanta Therapeutic Collective is a mental health service provider in Decatur, Ga serving the Greater Atlanta area. At ATC we believe therapy is important to maintain balanced health. We also understand that, for one reason or another, therapy can be costly. Our goal is to ensure that all clients get the services and treatment recommended without creating extra burden or stress in their lives. To ensure that ATC can help as many clients as possible, we've created a training program that offers all therapy services at a lower rate.
What is the training program?
The training program trains marriage and family therapist interns. Similar to a medical residency program, master's level interns must also obtain direct client hours towards their graduation. All students are under the supervision and direction of an onsite, fully licensed marriage and family therapist as well as receive additional supervision from their school programs.
What types of services do you provide?
Individual Counseling
Marriage and Relationship Therapy
Premarital Counseling
Family Counseling Services
Sex Positive Therapy
Will I get to choose my therapist?
The answer is "maybe." If you meet one of our student therapists and call to schedule specifically with them, then you may work with that person as long as their schedule permits. If you do not have a preference, then we are more than happy to schedule you with a student who's schedule or training best fits your needs.
Will I see the same student therapist every time?
As long as the student therapist is contracted with our program, then you will meet with the same student therapist until your discharge from services or the student therapist's program concludes. Please note that most student therapists need at least a year of training to complete the course work. Once the course work is completed, the student may leave our practice. At that time, we will offer you services with another therapist if you wish to continue.
Are all therapists in the training program students?
At times, our training program may have a post-master's level therapist. These therapists are still under the supervision of a fully licensed therapist.
How much are sessions?
Each session is $35 dollars payable by cash or credit card.
How often do I need to attend therapy?
Once you meet with your student therapist, you'll complete an assessment of your needs and goals for therapy as well as how much stress you're experiencing. Based on this assessment, your student therapist will provide a recommendation for the frequency of sessions.
If my student therapist leaves your program, can I continue working with them at another practice?
If your student therapist gains employment at another practice or group and they are able to see private clients, we are happy for you to continue with them if you choose. Please note that your medical chart belongs to Atlanta Therapeutic Collective, llc and those records do not follow your student therapist to their new employer. If you wish to receive any information from your records, please let us know or have you, student therapist, request them once you resume sessions.
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